福岡県福岡市デリヘル [エリア]福岡市内および近郊

Dave's Long Box:

SWEETS HEART -スイーツハート-を含め、このエリアには楽しいお店がいっぱいです!ぜひ遊びに行ってみて下さい!
Dave's Long Box: The Batmobile: What a Pain in the Ass
The Batmobile is just too sweet a vehicle to ditch, but it truly is impossible to maintain a low profile in that thing - OR circumnavigate city traffic. If a perfect hologram/camo/cloaking device and ..... when in reality he is either miles away or RIGHT BEHIND YOU! Finally, having something like the Batmobile driving down bad streets would certainly keep the fear of the hearts of the evil-doers, give hope to the fearful, and inspire the good... even if Batman was not driving it.
作成:Dave's Long Box
URL:  記事へ
